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Nederland kent 20

Nobelprijswinnaars waaronder 10 in de natuurkunde, 4 in de scheikunde, 3 fysiologie/geneeskunde en 1 in de economie. Daarnaast zijn er 2 prijswinnaars voor de vrede.
EU Vlag


The NFU and UNL have formulated additional recommendations for the European Horizon Europe research programme. As a leading EU programme, Horizon Europe promotes international cooperation and innovation. In view of the ongoing discussions on the continuation of Horizon Europe, the NFU and UNL present an update of their 2023 position paper.
With this Joint Statement, we – the undersigned European university umbrella organisations – want to express our concerns on the lack of progress and clarity regarding the association of the United Kingdom and Switzerland to the Horizon Europe research framework programme. Two years have passed since the start of the programme without any progress and the delay is causing damage to existing research partnerships between EU, UK, and Swiss knowledge institutions.



Verkiezingsinzet Kenniscoalitie TK verkiezingen 2023


Stuurgroep Onderwijs en Onderzoek (SOO)

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