Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities
The Universiteiten van Nederland negotiates with the Labour Unions on the compensation and benefits of the University staff (with the exception of the Executive Board). Compensation and benefits cover matters such as salary, leave, pension and social security. You can download the CLA (English version) at the bottom of this page.
On June 28, 2024 parties reached a negotiation result for a new collective labor agreement with a term from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. On October 14th 2024 the members of the collective labor agreement parties have agreed on e new text of the new collective labor agreement.

With regard to the salary structure, scales 1 to 7 will be adjusted to restore progression to the scale steps and an even spread between the scales. The SA and TOIO scales will also be adjusted as a result of the adjustments to scale 6. The effective date is 1 July 2024. Implementation will be completed by no later than 31 December 2024, with retroactive effect. The 3.7% pay increase that has now been agreed will be applied to the new scale amounts. With regards to the implementation of this new pay structure, the following principle applies: an employee who was in scales 1 to 7 before the pay structure is increased, will, after the increase, remain in the same step of that scale.
CLA Downloads
Sectoral Scheme on Ancillary Activities for Dutch Universities 2024 including FAQ
Publication -
Sectoral regulation on disputes for Dutch universities 2024.pdf
Publication -
Dutch Universities Whistleblower Policy 2025.pdf