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Rijksbijdrage per student is met 20%

gedaald. Waar de rijksbijdrage in 2002 nog zo'n €19.500 bedroeg, is dit teruggelopen naar €15.500 in 2021.
Studenten in collegezaal


Solid cuts to education and research in general agreement

Today, the coalition-forming parties presented their general agreement. The cuts to education, research and innovation came as a major shock to universities. These plans will damage the future of young people and the Netherlands. Jouke de Vries, acting president of Universities of the Netherlands: ‘The cuts to education and science are a blow to our students and staff who are already under enormous pressure. Together with the sharp intervention in the international nature of universities, these cuts are harming our ability to provide quality education and carry out research. This does not match the coalition-forming parties’ ambition to strengthen the knowledge economy and earning power of the Netherlands. With these cuts, we are putting the future of our country's youth at stake.’

Stuurgroep Bedrijfsvoering en Financiën (SBF)

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